Topbrass’ commitment doesn’t end after you leave with your puppy. Results and success, that’s what we all strive for. We have teamed up with Pat Burns (Elite Retrievers) to offer this opportunity to work on line manners, drills and blinds to make better teams. Topbrass owners always get first priority for this annual seminar in late January in south central Florida.


The bar was set high despite Covid . An AFC as the test dog. Pat Burns as the “head coach” with special guest, Jackie Mertens. Lots to learn, stories to listen to and memories made. Photos by Laura Scruggs

2022. Crummy weather for Florida but we made the best of it. Jackie chose not to join us because of the weather but checked in every night to see what we accomplished in the day. Photos are curtesy of Diane Glassmeyer


“The best yet…” Spending four days with your dog, meeting new friends and listening to two ledgends…oh! And southern Florida in January! It will be hard to beat. Photos courtesy of Diane Glassmeyer.